Friday, May 20, 2011

Day Seven - Friday - Route 40

Okay we bit off more then time would allow. We began the day with awesome panoramic views, in sunshine for a change, at the Grand Canyon. Multiple overlook spots let us get lots of angles and pictures. We even took a few shots of the mules used to walk up and down the trails. We rode the rim of the canyon on route 64 to Cameron, great ride on the bikes. Then picked up route 89 to Flagstraff. We only had time to do a 32 mile loop around Sunset Crater Volcano and saw fields of large volcanic rocks and spectacular mountain vistas in the National Park Indian Ruins but it was so breathtaking we wanted to do it again. Then we got back on our favorite road, route 40, the same road that we were on when we got caught in the snow storm, 30'F 22'F wind chill, Wednesday afternoon . We then headed east toward Holbrook and the Petrified Forest and in the distance we saw a familiar site, more storm clouds! What fun would a ride be without rain, sleet or snow! Well wouldn't you know that we caught up with the storm before we arrived in Holbrook. Well we are thinking of changing our name to the Old Dog Storm Chasers. We can now find our destination by looking for the bad weather. It wasn't too bad, nobody got soaked, except for Glens belly, and Dale's knees when his cheap rain pants disintegrated and left a trail of plastic on route 40, we all had fun with those two issues lol. The temps were better today, 50's to 60's We did make it to the town of Holbrook just outside of the Petrified Forest but we got here a little late 4:20pm to take advantage of the Park, it closes at 5pm. We found a hotel for the night and will see the Park in the AM. Now we are off to have a nice meal at a local establishment and maybe a game of pool.
The Daily Pucker of the day was the dozen 40lbs bags of onions dropped off the back of a tracker trailer on you guessed it Route 40.

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